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Hello, and Welcome to the Wiseguy Blog

Hello, and Welcome to the Wiseguy Blog

I’m Sean Patrick and this is my first post as the official Wiseguy of marketing and branding. You see, Wiseguy Inc. has been a passion project of mine for more than two years. What took so long to get it off the ground you might ask? A few reasons, not the least of which being life throwing the usual curveballs we rarely prepare for. Not a bad thing. In fact, I’ve learned a lot since I started this journey as Wiseguy, and taking my time has proven something to me, that when I don’t rush things or get lost in my own fear of failure, when I let shit happen and pause to learn from it, that great things happen.

So here I am. Launching a new business dedicated to helping small businesses thrive through better marketing. Whether through my soon-to-launch Two Marketeers Podcast, Wiseguy’s marketing for small business webinars, or this blog, I hope you find my content helpful.

Some of the topics I will focus on include:

  • Why everyone is a marketer today
  • What marketing really means for small business in 2020
  • The importance of branding and what it can do for your business
  • New and not so new relevant marketing trends that are impacting small business in Canada and North America
  • And my favourite: stories new and old from marketing’s fascinating evolution over the past century.

If you are looking to better understand what marketing can do for you and your business, I invite you to join the conversation.

I think it’s going to be a good one!

SPWiseguy out.