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Why ‘Pivot’ Is the Word of the Day

Why ‘Pivot’ Is the Word of the Day
(Originally published May 22 by SPWiseguy) And before it gets tired, you need to understand what it means for small business When I decided to make the hottest term in marketing right now the subject of my post, I LOVED that an episode of Friends came up in my first Google search. I’m a sucker […]
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When did Marketing get so complicated? Going back to basics and finding marketing’s true purpose – and value

When did Marketing get so complicated? Going back to basics and finding marketing’s true purpose – and value
MARKETING IS A BIG WORD. Not in terms of the word itself, it’s only eight letters long, but in its meaning. It has a multitude of definitions nowadays, and rightly so. What I started to see more than 20 years ago, when I took on the task of teaching to post-grad design students, was that […]
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